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Software Development

A Software Developer apprenticeship helps an apprentice to understand a client's requirements as provided in design specification and then build and test high-quality code solutions to deliver the best outcome across the front-end, logic and data layers.


Level: 4

Funding: Apprenticeship Levy

  • This is a full-time course,  individuals must be willing to commit to this part time model. Time commitment will be up to 40 hours per week (inclusive of independent study, employability skills and personal development work).

  • Individuals keen to progress into a development role whether this is in web development, mobile development, immersive or another role.

  • You must complete a Skills City Skills Bootcamp in Software Engineering, Cyber Security, Cloud Engineering or Data Analytics to progress on to an apprenticeship.

Learn more about our Skills Bootcamps


Potential job roles after completing this course:

  • Web developer

  • Applications Developer

  • Software Developer

  •  Mobile Application Developer

  • Games Developer


  • Intro to Software Development

  • Building Responsive Web Applications

  • Automation and Software Quality

  • Design and DevOps

  • Software Craft

  • Microservices & APIs

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